Community HealthCare Alliance
Application Process
Benefit Questions
Contact Us
Did You Know!

The Value of a Broker
There is no fee for our broker services.
There is no increase in your premium
for broker services. Let us do the
homework for you. We can help you
find the plan that leaves the most
money in your pocket.

COBRA/State Continuation
Know your rights and responsibilities.
COBRA law applies to groups of 20 or
more. State Continuation law applies
to groups of 19 and less.

Full Coverage for Everyone!
If you've been declined or are at risk
of being declined coverage there
are still options. Ask us about the
Illinois Comprehensive Health
Insurance Plan (CHIP).

CHCA Application Process

Groups as small as one member are acceptable as long as 51% of all full-time employees participate.  Participation is verified against your Quarterly Wage & Tax statement.  Applications must be received by the 20th of the month to allow time for underwriting before 1st of the coming month requested effective start dates.

The application form is in two parts, even if only one person is enrolling.  The employer application form is used to identify your group for plan and billing selections, it is required only once for health and/or dental selections.  The health or dental employee application forms are limited to personal information and health history.  See CHCA benefit summaries for details and rates as well as the application form.